How to prepare your child for their SAT exams

If your child is in year 6 at primary school then they will mostly be taking part in SAT’s exams this summer. Although these exams don’t mean much when they are older they are often taken in to account when it comes to deciding what sets they will be in at secondary school.

Often these sorts of exams are more aimed at checking the school is performing well and the =at the pupils are achieving the results they would expect but many children still get anxious about it and worry.

It is important to talk to your child about it and not to just dismiss any concerns they may have. You need to talk them through and reassure them. It is vital that they know it is not the end of the world if they do not get the results they hoped for and that all they can do is there best. In the run up to the SATS schools will be spending most of the time revisiting things that they have done that are likely to come up in the exams. This will help them be able to recall the information when it is required and will highlight if there is an area they may need extra help with.